usunyu   Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Autohotkey Mac Key Mapping

Add file Ctrl-Alt-Switch.ahk to shell:startup:

; NEEDS '*' because LCtrl key-repeat is otherwise interpreted as ALT+LCtrl.
   CtrlTabbed := false`
    Hotkey, *Tab, CtrlTab, On   ; Begin Ctrl+Tab (and release Alt) when we press Tab.
    Send {Alt Down}             ; Press Alt (LCtrl::Alt)
    KeyWait, LCtrl
    if CtrlTabbed
        Send {Ctrl Up}          ; Release Ctrl after Ctrl+Tabbing.
        Send {Alt Up}           ; Release Alt (LCtrl::Alt)
    Hotkey, *Tab, CtrlTab, Off

    if (!CtrlTabbed) {
        Send {Alt Up}           ; Release Alt now.
        Send {Ctrl Down}        ; Press down Ctrl.
        CtrlTabbed := true      ; Set a flag so we know to release Ctrl instead of Alt.
    Send {Blind}{Tab}           ; Press Tab without releasing any modifiers.

; If you want LCtrl and LAlt to both do Alt+Tab, replace all of the above with:
; LCtrl::Alt

; NEEDS '*' because LAlt key-repeat is otherwise interpreted as CTRL+LAlt.
    AltTabbed := false
    Hotkey, *Tab, AltTab, On    ; Begin Alt+Tab (and release Ctrl) when we press Tab.
    Send {Ctrl Down}            ; Press Ctrl (LAlt::Ctrl)
    KeyWait, LAlt
    if AltTabbed
        Send {Alt Up}           ; Release Alt after Alt+Tabbing.
        Send {Ctrl Up}          ; Release Ctrl (LAlt::Ctrl)
    Hotkey, *Tab, AltTab, Off

    if (!AltTabbed) {
        Send {Ctrl Up}          ; Release Ctrl now.
        Send {Alt Down}         ; Press down Alt. (Keeps the Alt+Tab menu open.)
        AltTabbed := true       ; Set a flag so we know to release Alt instead of Ctrl.
    Send {Blind}{Tab}           ; Press Tab without releasing any modifiers.